Aviation Herald

Special message to All IATA Accredited Agents in Kerala

23rd August 2018

Today is our BSP payment date in Kerala and many of the agents are worried and are panicking due to the present unstable financial conditions. Though cleaning and rehabilitation already started, around 1.35 million people are still in the relief camps as their houses are in unsafe conditions.

Further, yesterday was a holiday and 24th to 28th are bank holidays. We have taken up all these matters with IATA and requested to freeze payment till situation normalize. Though they told that they will contact the affected agents, not clarified properly.

At the same time, in case of any natural calamity or disaster, we, IATA Accredited agents are also entitled to get some kind of temporarily relief under the terms and conditions set forth in our Passenger Service Agency Agreement. Under such, if an affected agent is unable to make the payment ie; delayed or failed to comply with the terms of PSAA due natural disaster, which is beyond the control of human beings, he/she shall have the facility to make remittance within the grace period up to 7 days under notification to IATA .

Res 818g Sub Para 13.8 –Force majeure” The agent shall not be liable for delay or failure to comply with terms of Passenger Sales Agency Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure is caused by the act of God, natural disaster, beyond the reasonable control of the Agent and is not the result of the Agents lack of reasonable diligence (an “Excusable Delay”). Failure to make settlement beyond seven days without Agency Administrator approval may lead to termination.

Hence, Agents have the option either to pay (if in sound condition) or affected agents shall settle the payments within the grace period under force majeure. This disaster was already declared as Level 3 category by Govt of India and hence agents are covered under “Force majeure”.

Any further guidance and support, kindly contact HDQ at hdq@iaai.in

News By : Editorial Desk | Posted On:August 23 2018

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